Quiz Liverpool

Home of the Liverpool Quiz League

Trophies were awarded for both the 2019/20 and 2021/22 season at Presentation night on Monday 20th June.  Chairman Danny Grimes thanked everyone for attending and hoped that next season would see a return to normality with all competitions being held face to face if at all possible.  The pictures below show the teams who received trophies for the various competitions.

Tramway - Division 2 2019
Tramway - Div 2 Winners 2019/20
Kluggers - Div 1 Runners-up 2019
Kluggers - Div 1 Runners-up 2019/20
Cricketers Div 1 Winners 2019
Cricketers  Div 1 Winners 2019/20
Tramway - Handicap Winners 2019
Tramway Handicap Winners 2019/20
JC and the Jets - Div 3 Runners up 2022
JC and the Jets - Division 3 Runners-up 2021/22
St Francis of Assissi - Division3 Winners 2021/22
St Francis of Assisi - Div 3 Winners 2021/22
Monstrous Regiment Div 2 Runners-up 2021/22
Monstrous Regiment - Div 2 Runners-up 2021/22
Groindhogs - Div 2 Winners 2021/22
Groundhogs - Division 2 Champions 2021/22
Kluggers - Div 1 Runners-up 2021/22
Kluggers - Div 1 Runners-up 2021/22
Cricketers - Div 1 Champions 2021/22 St Francis - Riley Cup Finalists 2021/22
St Francis - Riley Cup Finalists 2021/22
Monstrous Regiment - Riley Cup Winners 2021/22
Monstrous Regiment - Riley Cup Winners 2021/22