Ted Riley Quiz Cup Competition 2024
Thirty-one teams will be competing for The Ted Riley Quiz Cup this year. Clicking on a team's name below will take you to the relevant page on the Wirral or Liverpool website, with contact details and location.
All correspondence will be by email.
The full draw is available at the competition page - click on the trophy -> 
Competing Teams with Handicap
Clicking on the team name will take you to their page, sowing contact and location details.
Electronic Questions Distribution
Twenty of the thirty-one teams have agreed to this method of questions distribution.
When they are at home they will receive the questions by email and the away team will be sent the second part of the password by email, please ensure that you take it to the game.
The remaining teams will be sent the questions by post.
Match Times
All games in round one, round two and quarter finals will start at 8.30pm.
Semi-finals and Final. The draw will take place at 7.50pm so that we can get a prompt 8pm start.
Scoring and timing
We will adopt the following rule for scoring and timing;
Each individual player shall be allowed to attempt to answer their own question for two points.
If they answer incorrectly, it can be attempted for one point by another member of their own team.
If this attempt is wrong, it then passes over to the opposition for one point.
Timing; 10 seconds for your own question, 5 seconds for the other team members to answer and five seconds for the opposition to answer.
The winning team should send the results to me by WhatsApp or email, immediately after the game, so that I have them by 10pm on the night of the game. Each round's results ill be emailed to each team every week and posted on www.quizliverpool.org.uk and www.wirralql.org.uk
Team captains should advise me on the Monday night, then confer on the Tuesday and advise me by 8pm of the result of their consultation, by phone or email. If the team captains fail to agree; Paul Davitt, Jim Eccleson, Keith Clare and Angela Doyle will adjudicate by noon on the Wednesday.
Spare Questions
if electronic distribution is adopted this will not be necessary.
If a Question Set fails to arrive, you may obtain a spare set from me, or one of the following;
Angela Doyle 0151 722 1054 Jim Eccleson 0151 653 8649 Paul Davitt 0151 427 7617
Should you have any queries or questions regarding the competition please do not hesitate to contact me.
Paul Davitt
General Secretary Liverpool Quiz League
Email pauldavitt@virginmedia.com